2022版半導体デバイスシミュレータのバージョンアップ (2023/1/25)
日本地区における保守中のユーザ様に対しまして、 2022版半導体デバイスシミュレータのバージョンアップを発送いたしました。
Crosslight is proud to announce new features & milestones for its upcoming v2022 release. In addition to multiple bug fixes and improvements, the following new feature/improvements were made:
1) VCSEL model for multiple tunneling junctions has been improved so that more accurate optical output can be extracted from the simulation.
2) Significant improvements in speed, accuracy, and ease of use for the microcavity FDFD model. This model is now recommended for complex VCSEL structures, including devices with multiple tunnel junctions.
3) Hot carrier injection/trap generation model for thin film transistors.
4) Updated AC models.
5) New 3D mesh generation system.
This version will be released later this year, after final testing has been completed. Customers with an up-to-date maintenance contract can contact their local sales representatives if they wish to try these new features right away.